How to create a Facebook ID card

Today I am going to share you how can you get a id card of your facebook account. It's not a real Facebook ID card but you can impress anyone by this id card. I have create my one and look at my id card.

And also your id card will look like this one. Now let's go to create your own ID card.
At first, login to your facebook id, which account's id card you want.
Now, Go to this link with a new tab. Facebook ID card generator
Now click on Generate ID submit button.

Now give the access to the app to create your facebook id card.

Now, the app get access to claim your account's some information which will be used to create your id card. But not your email or password.
Now hit again on Generate ID submit button.

Wait 2-3 seconds and you will get your wanted id card.

Now share this id card with your friends. 

If you found a bit of help from this post, please share this post with your friends and family but don't copy. Thanks for your time and read the post.

Fun of twin Baby

My sweet twin Nephew have fun with each other. One is Shafin and another is Sabit.

Sometimes they quarrel with each other. I have recorded a video which
will show you how they fun with each other. I also uploaded this video to youtube and to show you the video I have added it here. You can view it now or any time.

Some cheat code for GTA VICE CITY

Here I have added about 27 cheat code of GTA vice city. This code are neccessary if you want play vice city. You have to type this code while playing game or pause mode and then the effects will start. I am Sorry, because I was unable to add screenshot.

Code Result
foxylittlethingHero turned into girl
seawaysThe car will not sink in water
comeflywithmeCar will fly
bigbang All nearest behicles are blusted.

panzer -
Tank arrived

Game play with high speed

Game play with very slow
youwonattack Increase wanted level.
leavemealone Decrease wanted level


Aggressive Drivers -

All light weapon

All heavy' weapons

All medium weapons

All super power weapons

All cars are black

All cars are pink

All traffic lights are green

Change Skin/Clothes

Fast boats can fly for short period

Full Armor

Full Health

The game is dark


Everybody is fighting
People's looking are changed ROCKANDROLLMAN
Girl follow you FANNYMAGNET

Now enjoy your vice city game

Lock your private folder

If your computer have multi user than you need to lock your private folder. You can do this by software but I am showing you how can you lock folder without software. If your private folder is Document of mine, then enter the folder and create a text file. Now save the text file with bellow code and rename it to lock.bat

Its your lock file. Now click on lock.bat and your folder has been locked. Now, if you want to unlock the folder again, what can you do?

Create a new text file and save with bellow code and rename to unlock.bat

Its your unlock file. Click this file and unlock your folder again.

My Eid Day

I have added some photo of EID Day.
This photo was captured on Eid morning. This is the photo of our cow.

After pray Eid namaz.

After Slaught of cow.

The time of cutting meat.

That's all. Everybody take my wish "EID MOBARAK"

Hack your friend facebook id very simply.(100% working)

Today I am going to show you, how to hack your friend facebook id. We genarally save our username and password in opera, uc and etc. So, your friend olso save his/her username and password. Now I start the process.
Firstly, take your friend mobile and directly go to . Now hit the "Logout" button and you will redirect to the facebook login page.

Secondly, As he save his username and password, so you will see his username and password but the password will like ******************.
Thirdly, Hit the "show" button beside password input field.

Fourthy, what you are seeing. Your friends password. Now write the password in your note and login again his ID and give his mobile himself.
Finaly, Hit the share button and give your comment in the comment box.

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