[English Story]Butterfly Wings

[English Story]Butterfly Wings
Nazir had been sitting in the park since morning. He was staring at the flowers, they were in full bloom, a welcome sign of the spell cast by spring. These brightly coloured flowers with their heady fragrance were enticing all the tiny creatures who had made their homes in the shrubs, trees, flowers, and grass. Among these creatures, there were butterflies, all with brightly coloured wings, flitting...

[Story] The metro

[Story] The metro
The discovery of a body in the Paris Metro early one morning was not particularly unusual. That it was headless sent a frisson through the sixth arrondissement , but the incident went unnoticed outside Paris. Yet there was clearly something strange about the case. It was hardly as though the body had been decapitated to frustrate identification, for it was fully clothed and none of the owner's personal...

[Story] Dew drops tragedy on EID Morning

[Story] Dew drops tragedy on EID Morning
Drop by drop.... Dew gathered... Grass of roadside" shined by mornings sunshine ........grass of garden are also...Dew of grass gradually show the world best beauty..A boy (natural beauty lover) enjoy this world best beauty scene.......everyday...Day by day eid day knock at the door...The Boy leave his won house for see mornings beauty that displayed on the grass by dew.....He stayed at garden side...

[English Story] The Chapel

[English Story] The Chapel
She was walking lazily, for the fierce April sun was directly overhead. Her umbrella blocked its rays but nothing blocked the heat - the sort of raw, wild heat that crushes you with its energy. A few buffalo were tethered under coconuts, browsing the parched verges. Occasionally a car went past, leaving its treads in the melting pitch like the wake of a ship at sea. Otherwise it was quiet, and she...

[English Story] A Haunted House

[English Story] A Haunted House
Whatever hour you woke there was a door shutting. From room to room they went, hand in hand, lifting here, opening there, making sure--a ghostly couple. "Here we left it," she said. And he added, "Oh, but here tool" "It's upstairs," she murmured. "And in the garden," he whispered. "Quietly," they said, "or we shall wake them." But it wasn't that you woke us. Oh, no. "They're looking for it; they're...

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