Add social network share buttons to your blog.

Today I will show you how how you add social share button after your blog post title. Before starting the tutorial, you should know about social share button.

What is social share button?

Social share button is a button by which you are able to share your content to social media. This use only one click for sharing content to social media. There are many social media currently in the world. So we add some popular social media for this share button. In this social media share button you will find Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIN and many other social networks share button.
Why you may add social share button?
This is the main question for this tutorial. Why you should add this button. Everyone want his site may popular. So, you also want this?
By sharing your content to social network, your site rank, site visitor, site worth and many important things will increase.
Now I am telling some reason for adding this button.

1। You will share your content by Only one click.
2। It decrease your time loss.
3। Looking beautiful.
4। All social network share button in one place.
5। Imporve site's beautifulness.
6। Your site will be more popular.
7। Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and many other benifits.

How to add?

  • At first login to your blogspot dashboard and switch the blog that you want to add social neywork share buttons.

  • Now move your mind and cursor to Template tab

  • Now click on Edit HTML button.

  • Now find bellow code in the box of edit template by Simply pressing ALT+F or blogspot default find option.

  • <div class='post-header'>
    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>

  • Now enter bellow code after your search result.(after above code)

  • <!-- Start Social share buttons by -->
    <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
    <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_google_plusone" g:plusone:size="medium"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_pinterest_pinit" pi:pinit:layout="horizontal" pi:pinit:url="" pi:pinit:media=""></a>
    <a class="addthis_button_linkedin_counter"></a>
    <a class="addthis_counter addthis_pill_style"></a></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true};</script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
    <!-- End Social share buttons by -->

  • Now save your template by hitting Save Template.

  • Visit your site any content and you will see the social sharing buttons after your content title.
    Visit our new blog - Bangla Hub

    Note: Don't edit this code, otherwise it may not work & Keep backup everytime before you edit your template.

    Highlight admin comment in blogspot differently.

    Hey guys, how are you? Hope you are fine and pray to God to stay fine whole life. Today I have come to share a blogspot tricks that will help you to highlight admin comment differently. This will help your user to find admin comment easily.

    How can you add this to your blog?

    First login your blogger account and switch your blog from blog list. Now go to Template and backup your template for security. Now click EDIT HTML.

    In a word follow this Blogger → Template → EDIT HTML.

    Now search </body> by Ctrl+F from your keyboard and paste bellow code before of </body>  tag.

    Now save your template and view your blog's admin comment or your comment(as you are the admin). If face any problem then drop them in comment box.

    Remove "Powered by Blogger" from your blogspot blog

    Hi guys, How are you? Today I am going to share how you can remove Powered by Blogger attribute. Some days ago, I have shared about how to remove it from blogspot blog's mobile version, today I am sharing about main version.
    Step 1:
    Login to blogger and switch the blog which you want to remove attribute.
    Step 2:
    Follow this: Dashboard→Template→ backup your template for restore your template if there occurred any problem.
    Step 3:
    Now hit Edit Html button and mark "Expand Widget Templates"
    Step 4:
    Press Ctrl+F in your keyboard and find "attribution" and you will see showaddelement='no' and locked='true' near the attribution.
    Step 5:
    Now replace showaddelement='no' with showaddelement='yes' and locked='true' with locked='false'
    Step 6:
    Save your template
    Step 7:
    Click on layout and select attribution widget and remove this one.
    Step 8:
    Congratulations, you have successfully remove "Powered by Blogger" text from your blog.
    Step 9:
    Now hit share button and share with friends. Give your special comment about how the tutorial was.

    Visit our new blog - Bangla Hub

    How to remove "Powered by Blogger" from the footer of your blogspot blog's mobile version

    Today I am going to share you how can you remove "Powered by Blogger" from your blogspot blog's mobile version.
    You have seen that this blog's mobile version has no "Powered by Blogger" attribution.
    Now come and start tutorial.
    At first, backup your template and then
    go to dashboard → Template → Edit HTML
    Now search bellow code in your template.
    <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title=''
    If you found this code then remove this code, else nothing should be done.
    Now search </body> tag and paste bellow code above </body> tag
    <!--Remove attribution-->
    <div style='display:none;'>
    <b:section class='hiddenbar' id='hiddenbar'
    <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='no' title='' type='Attribution'/>
    <!--Remove attribution-->
    Now save the template and visit your blog's mobile version by this url:
    (if m=0 then it will redirect to main version and if m=1 it will redirect to mobile version)
    See there is no attribution in footer.
    Now hit share button to share this article with others and comment yourself.
    Visit our new blog - Bangla Hub

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