How to Accept 50 friends request in one click by Opera Mini

Hey Guys, How are you all? Hope you are fine by the grace of allmighty GOD and I am also fine by his grace. However, today I will show you how you can accept 50 facebook friend request in one click by Opera Mini.

Why I will Use it?
You may use it for your fake id. If you create a fake id, then you may want more and more friend requests. Facebook send request to them, who accept friend request quickly. So, If you use this trick, then you will able to make 5000 friends in one day without any auto friend request.

Visit our new blog - Bangla Hub

How can I do it?

Yeh, no problem, today I will show you how can you do it.
First, bookmark this page 2 times or bookmark any other page. But did you know how to bookmark a page in opera mini? If you don't know how to bookmark, then you can follow this.
Go to url box, and find a star button beside url box. Click on the star, and you will see the bookmark option. You can also bookmark by click on opera icon and hlgo Bookmarks now save the bookmark.
Ok, after making two bookmark, Please rename them to All Request and Accept All.
All Request bookmark will be used to view the request and Accept All bookmark will be used to accept all request which will found in All Request page.
Now Click on All Request bookmark one second and choose the Edit option and replace the url with bellow url. I mean, clear old url and paste this url in the url box.

Do this process also for Accept All bookmark and replace the url with bellow code.

Now you are almost done. From now, click All Request bookmark and it will open all request(50) and then press Accept All bookmark. After reload the page, view your friends number and request number. The number of friends will increase 50 and request will decrease 50. So, now accept friend request very quickly like as A Rocket. Now share this post with your friend if you fine help from this post.

Play youtube Videos in Slow Motion

YouTube is the third most popular website in the world,
after Google and Facebook. Millions of subscriptions
happen each day on YouTube, with over 800 million
unique users visiting each month. In that timespan,
roughly 4 billion hours of video are watched, with 72
hours of video uploaded every single minute.

As you can see, YouTube is an immense behemoth of an entity. Its videos are featured on the news daily, usually
in the form of funny and shocking clips.
Personally, I find myself watching YouTube videos almost every day,
whether it's to listen to a song I can't find elsewhere, to learn how to do something, or just to watch
skateboarders fall.

So, why is it that even though YouTube is unimaginably popular, I still find myself learning new things about the
video sharing site all the time?
Here I have added a best known secrets (or not) on YouTube.

Did you know you can make any YouTube video play in slow motion? All you need to do is hold down the space
bar and the video will start to play at a much slower speed.

If that doesn't satisfy your needs, you can also sign up
for YouTube's HTML 5 Video Player, which allows you to
slow down or speed up the video from the settings gear
on the page.

Unfortunately, the settings under the gear icon won't
help you get through those annoying ads any faster. It
only works on videos that aren't monetized because the
ones with ads still use Flash.

Some tips of youtube

I have decided to make a short
post about Some tips to youtube. If you have any tips that should be added to the list, leave in the comment box. These tips are based on my personal experience after over doing YouTube every day for over one years.

  • Don’t let anyone tell you, you are too late to the game. It’s not true.

  • Watch Tutorial by other YouTubers and read up on the topic. Learn how to edit your videos.

  • Always try to improve your commentary.

  • Play what you enjoy; switch it up with smaller, less popular games.

  • Don’t spam your link in comments (or anywhere).

  • Don’t do a sub for sub or anything similarly stupid.

  • Don’t obsess so much over sound insulation and hardware before you got your commentary down.

  • Treat every other YouTuber with respect. Treat your viewers with respect. A happy viewer is worth those few seconds you spend replying to him.

  • Try something different – don’t always do what everyone else is doing.

  • Don’t take mean comments to heart.

  • Don’t ignore constructive criticism, you will need it to grow.

  • Don’t take it personal if a YouTuber does not want to collab with you. We are busy people and less social than you might think.

  • Don’t get into fights in the comments, be the bigger person. Delete insulting comments and ignore.

  • Remember: People subscribe for you. If they sub for a game, they are not here to stay anyway.

  • Help other people that want to start YouTube or anything in life.

  • Don’t expect the same enthusiasm from your friends that don’t do YouTube – they will probably not get it.

  • Find a group online to have other YouTubers to chat with and grow.

  • Watch your video after recording and ask yourself “What can I do better next time?”.

  • Learn how to make engaging thumbnails.

  • Don’t be lazy: Write your descriptions and tags.

  • Be consistent and upload on a schedule. If you can’t keep to the schedule, do less – but stay consistent.

  • Don’t expect anyone to give you shout outs, they won’t help anyway if your content isn’t good.

  • Use Social Media to your advantage. Don’t just auto-post your videos there – engage with your audience.

  • Expect to spend a LOT of time on your new hobby.

  • Unless you are very, very good or have a very unique idea, don’t try to do a Mine craft-focused channel.

  • Growth in the beginning is slow, don’t get discouraged. It can take years, but you can do it!

  • Never buy subscribers, Twitter followers or any of that. It will just hurt you.

  • Don’t overexert yourself too often – it will burn you out. Get some sleep instead.

  • You should not expect any money from YouTube in the beginning. It takes time.

  • Don’t even think about going full-time unless you already make money.

  • That's all I know. If you know anything out of this tips, then you can drop it in comments. Thanks for reading.

    10 special use and tricks of .htaccess

    .htccess or hyper-text access to the configuration file is a powerful tool. It's specialty is anybody can edit it easily and use. Today we will see the use of this powerful tool.

    Stop Hotlink

    Is there anybody who consume your bandwidth by using your uploaded image? Then you can add this code to
    .htaccess file.

    Options +FollowSymlinks
    #Protect against hotlinking
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www.)? [nc]
    RewriteRule .*.(gif|jpg|png)$[nc]

    Protect your site from bad bot
    some hacking tools when use bot to crowling, scaning your site then you can stop them by adding this code to your .htaccess file.

    #Block bad bots
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^FrontPage [NC,OR]
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^Java.* [NC,OR]
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^Microsoft.URL
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^MSFrontPage
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^Offline.Explorer
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^[Ww]eb[Bb]andit
    SetEnvIfNoCase user-Agent ^Zeus [NC]
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all
    Deny from env=bad_bot

    Block specific IP
    when you see that a specific ip used to hack or spaming to your website then you can block that ip by add this code to .htaccess file.

    allow from all
    deny from
    deny from 124.15

    here replace your targeted ip by and then it will be blocked.

    Redirect to 401, 403, 404, 503 etc error page.
    You can redirect your visitor to this error page when they input the url which doesn't exist in your website.

    ErrorDocument 401 /error/401.php
    ErrorDocument 403 /error/403.php
    ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.php
    ErrorDocument 500 /error/500.php

    Here we store our error page in the error directory. you should replace this with your own directory.

    Protect any specific file
    you need to protect your configuration file for your security.

    #Protect the your-file-name-with-extension File
    order allow,deny
    deny from all

    Here replace your file name with your-file-name-with-extension.(must include extension)

    Protect any file or directory with password.
    To protect file with password you can use this code

    password-protect a file
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Prompt"
    AuthUserFile /home/path/.htpasswd
    Require valid-user
    # password-protect a directory
    AuthType basic
    AuthName "This directory is protected"
    AuthUserFile /home/path/.htpasswd
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    Require valid-user

    Make your site super fast by compressing content to gzip.

    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml text/javascript text/css
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip
    BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

    Remove extension from link

    If your site have a page named page.php
    and it will load by but you can remove this .php
    extension by adding this code to your .htaccess and then it will

    RewriteRule ^(([^/]+/)*[^.]+)$ /$1.php [L]

    You can also remove .html by this code. simply remove .php and add .html

    Remove category from url
    Say, your site have a category called downloads. Then you can access this directory by /category/downloads. But now, you want to remove this category tag from url. You can do it by adding this code to .htaccess file.

    RewriteRule ^category/(.+)$$1 [R=301,L]

    Change wordpress default feeds to feedburner.

    #Redirect wordpress content feeds to
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !
    FeedBurner    [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} !
    FeedValidator [NC]
    RewriteRule ^feed/?([_0-9a-z-]+)?/?$ [R=302,NC,L]

    Some cheat code for GTA VICE CITY

    Here I have added about 27 cheat code of GTA vice city. This code are neccessary if you want play vice city. You have to type this code while playing game or pause mode and then the effects will start. I am Sorry, because I was unable to add screenshot.

    Code Result
    foxylittlethingHero turned into girl
    seawaysThe car will not sink in water
    comeflywithmeCar will fly
    bigbang All nearest behicles are blusted.

    panzer -
    Tank arrived

    Game play with high speed

    Game play with very slow
    youwonattack Increase wanted level.
    leavemealone Decrease wanted level


    Aggressive Drivers -

    All light weapon

    All heavy' weapons

    All medium weapons

    All super power weapons

    All cars are black

    All cars are pink

    All traffic lights are green

    Change Skin/Clothes

    Fast boats can fly for short period

    Full Armor

    Full Health

    The game is dark


    Everybody is fighting
    People's looking are changed ROCKANDROLLMAN
    Girl follow you FANNYMAGNET

    Now enjoy your vice city game

    Stop Copy paste from your website

    Nowadays, some people copy content of our site. The copier, the copy of the computer, right-click (hacker's case is different). So there is no worry, because I will show you today how Right button to your site will be disabled. I think your right button to copy and paste the shortcut to the purchase is disabled. In fact I would disable shortcut to the code will no longer have to fear. It's very easy to work.

    Tutorial steps
    Login to your wordpress site। Then go  Apearence→Editor. Now open your themesheader.php file। Now update your header file with adding this code before closing head tag. After saving successfull, back to your site and test copy paste.

    Login to your blogget site। Then go  Template→Edit HTML(Don't forget to backup your template). Now update your template with adding this code before closing head tag. After saving successfull, back to your site and test copy paste.

    If you face any problem, then feel free to contact with me.

    Lock your private folder

    If your computer have multi user than you need to lock your private folder. You can do this by software but I am showing you how can you lock folder without software. If your private folder is Document of mine, then enter the folder and create a text file. Now save the text file with bellow code and rename it to lock.bat

    Its your lock file. Now click on lock.bat and your folder has been locked. Now, if you want to unlock the folder again, what can you do?

    Create a new text file and save with bellow code and rename to unlock.bat

    Its your unlock file. Click this file and unlock your folder again.

    Watch youtube video in slow or fast mood

    These tips, though are much more functional and fill actual needs in the YouTube experience. You may not have known, but you can slow down or speed up any video on YouTube with the click of a few buttons. This will help you be able to catch every moment of a fall or speed up the boring parts to get to the best part of the video. You can even decide how fast or slow you want to make it, from 1/4 of the speed to 2x
    times the speed of the original video.
    To slow down or speed up the video, simply click on the little gear icon at the bottom right of the video. You will notice a few different options and on there, you can choose speed. simply click the button and select anything from 0.25 speed to 2.0 speed. Of course, you can always change your mind later on if you want to go back to regular speed.

    Note that, if you don’t see the gear icon, you may need to hover over the video with your cursor or tap on the video for the options to show up. This should work on both videos on YouTube as well as embedded videos.

    Make any youtube video into a GIF animation

    YouTube: The aggregator of fail compilations, the disseminator of cat related humour and a beacon for everything viral. Killing time on YouTube is the most productive way to be unproductive, but there’s so much more to it than salacious thumbnails and unrelated debates about political theory in the comments section. Aside from a few easter eggs to please medium-core trekkies and Star Wars fans, there are some genuinely useful hacks that can enhance your YouTube viewing experience ten-fold. I mean, if you’re prepared to sign away three hours of your life by watching late-nineties wrestling videos, then you should do it in style, right? Ever know how to turning any video into a GIF? No? No problem, today I am going to share this tricks.

    Make any video into a GIF

    You can turn any video into a GIF by simply adding “gif” just after the “www.” in the URL. For example


    Once you type that in, you’ll be taken to a simple gif making tool page that lets you cut out a section of the video and export it

    Select the point at which you want to start the gif and then select how long it lasts, and you’re done. You’ve made a gif in a matter of minutes.

    How to remove "Powered by Blogger" from the footer of your blogspot blog's mobile version

    Today I am going to share you how can you remove "Powered by Blogger" from your blogspot blog's mobile version.
    You have seen that this blog's mobile version has no "Powered by Blogger" attribution.
    Now come and start tutorial.
    At first, backup your template and then
    go to dashboard → Template → Edit HTML
    Now search bellow code in your template.
    <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' title=''
    If you found this code then remove this code, else nothing should be done.
    Now search </body> tag and paste bellow code above </body> tag
    <!--Remove attribution-->
    <div style='display:none;'>
    <b:section class='hiddenbar' id='hiddenbar'
    <b:widget id='Attribution1' locked='true' mobile='no' title='' type='Attribution'/>
    <!--Remove attribution-->
    Now save the template and visit your blog's mobile version by this url:
    (if m=0 then it will redirect to main version and if m=1 it will redirect to mobile version)
    See there is no attribution in footer.
    Now hit share button to share this article with others and comment yourself.
    Visit our new blog - Bangla Hub

    How to download youtube videos

    YouTube has been designed to only allow users to watch and view videos on their website. Many users want to download or save their favorite YouTube videos to their computer so they can watch them without being connected to the Internet or on other devices. Below are the steps required for downloading and watching YouTube videos on your computer for free.

    Browse your video and the url will like this:

    1. Erase everything in front of youtube,
    so in our example we erase "http://

    2. Before youtube type "ss" to make the
    above example URL and the URL shown
    below and then press enter.

    3. After pressing enter, you will enter to
    the link, which will allow you to download youtube videos and you can download them in audio format also.

    Thanks everybody.

    How to automatically repeat YouTube videos

    YouTube does not allow you to automatically repeat your favorite YouTube video, but there are plenty of
    third-party services that allows you to repeat any video. Follow the steps below to repeat any of your favorite YouTube videos.

    Now Browse your favorite video and edit the URL in the address bar. Below is an example of the video URL we are editing, this URL could be changed to your favorite video.

    1. Erase everything in front of youtube, so in our example we are erasing "http://www"

    2. After youtube type repeat to make the above example URL the URL shown below and then press enter.

    3. After pressing enter, you will enter to the link, which will repeat your video until you close the page. This page also has a repeat counter to let you know how many times the video has been repeated.

    Thanks everybody.

    Hack your friend facebook id very simply.(100% working)

    Today I am going to show you, how to hack your friend facebook id. We genarally save our username and password in opera, uc and etc. So, your friend olso save his/her username and password. Now I start the process.
    Firstly, take your friend mobile and directly go to . Now hit the "Logout" button and you will redirect to the facebook login page.

    Secondly, As he save his username and password, so you will see his username and password but the password will like ******************.
    Thirdly, Hit the "show" button beside password input field.

    Fourthy, what you are seeing. Your friends password. Now write the password in your note and login again his ID and give his mobile himself.
    Finaly, Hit the share button and give your comment in the comment box.

    How To Stop The Computer Timer In Internet Cafe

    Internet cafes are really decent if you are in a foreign country or just don’t have a computer and you really need to check something online. If you have ever wondered how you would stop the timer in an internet cafe so you could surf the web without having the time limit pressure, then you came to the right place. It’s really easy if you follow these simple steps:
    1)We are going to use a program called "Process Explorer" and you can download it from this link →
    Download process Explorer
    2)Now open it.
    3)Now install this program “procexp.exe”.
    4)Now you can see all these proccesses running and what we have to do is to find the ones related to the
    timer and pause them. The proccesses are called “Client.exe” and “Guardit.exe”, you have to find them and right click on them.
    5)Now as you can see, you have to click “Suspend” on both “Client.exe” and “Guardit.exe” which will actually stop the timer. Another important thing to know is that you can make the timer continue by right clicking on those proccesses again and clicking “Resume”.
    Now you can surf the web as much as you want with this simple trick! So if you’re low on money but want to use the internet, you know what to do!.

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