Nowadays, some people copy content of our site. The copier, the copy of the computer, right-click (hacker's case is different). So there is no worry, because I will show you today how Right button to your site will be disabled. I think your right button to copy and paste the shortcut to the purchase is disabled. In fact I would disable shortcut to the code will no longer have to fear. It's very easy to work.

Tutorial steps
Login to your wordpress site। Then go Apearence→Editor. Now open your themesheader.php file। Now update your header file with adding this code before closing head tag. After saving successfull, back to your site and test copy paste.
Login to your blogget site। Then go Template→Edit HTML(Don't forget to backup your template). Now update your template with adding this code before closing head tag. After saving successfull, back to your site and test copy paste.
If you face any problem, then feel free to contact with me.

Tutorial steps
Login to your wordpress site। Then go Apearence→Editor. Now open your themesheader.php file। Now update your header file with adding this code before closing head tag. After saving successfull, back to your site and test copy paste.
Login to your blogget site। Then go Template→Edit HTML(Don't forget to backup your template). Now update your template with adding this code before closing head tag. After saving successfull, back to your site and test copy paste.
If you face any problem, then feel free to contact with me.
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