I have decided to make a short
post about Some tips to youtube. If you have any tips that should be added to the list, leave in the comment box. These tips are based on my personal experience after over doing YouTube every day for over one years.

Don’t let anyone tell you, you are too late to the game. It’s not true.
Watch Tutorial by other YouTubers and read up on the topic. Learn how to edit your videos.
Always try to improve your commentary.
Play what you enjoy; switch it up with smaller, less popular games.
Don’t spam your link in comments (or anywhere).
Don’t do a sub for sub or anything similarly stupid.
Don’t obsess so much over sound insulation and hardware before you got your commentary down.
Treat every other YouTuber with respect. Treat your viewers with respect. A happy viewer is worth those few seconds you spend replying to him.
Try something different – don’t always do what everyone else is doing.
Don’t take mean comments to heart.
Don’t ignore constructive criticism, you will need it to grow.
Don’t take it personal if a YouTuber does not want to collab with you. We are busy people and less social than you might think.
Don’t get into fights in the comments, be the bigger person. Delete insulting comments and ignore.
Remember: People subscribe for you. If they sub for a game, they are not here to stay anyway.
Help other people that want to start YouTube or anything in life.
Don’t expect the same enthusiasm from your friends that don’t do YouTube – they will probably not get it.
Find a group online to have other YouTubers to chat with and grow.
Watch your video after recording and ask yourself “What can I do better next time?”.
Learn how to make engaging thumbnails.
Don’t be lazy: Write your descriptions and tags.
Be consistent and upload on a schedule. If you can’t keep to the schedule, do less – but stay consistent.
Don’t expect anyone to give you shout outs, they won’t help anyway if your content isn’t good.
Use Social Media to your advantage. Don’t just auto-post your videos there – engage with your audience.
Expect to spend a LOT of time on your new hobby.
Unless you are very, very good or have a very unique idea, don’t try to do a Mine craft-focused channel.
Growth in the beginning is slow, don’t get discouraged. It can take years, but you can do it!
Never buy subscribers, Twitter followers or any of that. It will just hurt you.
Don’t overexert yourself too often – it will burn you out. Get some sleep instead.
You should not expect any money from YouTube in the beginning. It takes time.
Don’t even think about going full-time unless you already make money.
That's all I know. If you know anything out of this tips, then you can drop it in comments. Thanks for reading.
post about Some tips to youtube. If you have any tips that should be added to the list, leave in the comment box. These tips are based on my personal experience after over doing YouTube every day for over one years.

That's all I know. If you know anything out of this tips, then you can drop it in comments. Thanks for reading.
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